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SCBA to hold world conference next week : Pakistani News

By staff reporter on Saturday, September 3, 2011 with 0 comments

LAHORE INews Pakistan Reported : Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) is holding an international conference that will focus on criminal justice system during conflict and on reforming it to meet new challenges. 

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Over 100 delegates from Bangladesh, Malaysia, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and India are expected to attend the conference scheduled to be inaugurated on Sept 9 by the chief justice of Pakistan.
About 600 lawyers from across the country have registered for the Sept 9-11 event to be held at a local hotel.
The conference on `Justice for All and Impunity for None’ will also discuss the role of the media during tensions.
Soli Sorabjee, the former solicitor general of India; Param Amarswamy, former UN special repporteur on independence of lawyers and judges, from Malaysia; Mr Welimuna, president of Transparency International from Sri Lanka; and presidents of

“We expect around 800 people to attend the conference and hope to come up with solid recommendations for reforms in the legal system,” SCBA president Asma Jehangir said.

the Supreme Court Bar Association of India, the Bar Council of India and Delhi High Court will attend the conference.

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